Ther are many hairstyles that you haven't tried yet. If you want to try them you should have your hair on your scalp, its obvious. We care more about our hairstyles as they mean us a lot. As they can elevate your look to the top and also they can make you a nerd. So for preventing this you need to take proper care of your hair. If you are facing hair-fall at a higher level then you should check the link down below. In that, I have suggested some tips and some hair masks which will make your hair awesome. It will make your hair nourish and make them smooth. So in this blog, I am going to share some hair oiling mistakes which you guys made in your daily life.
5 Hair oiling mistakes that can cause you hair-fall.
1. Harsh
It means whenever you oil your hair you are too harsh for your hair. As you are massaging your scalp so roughly the hair follicles get a break as they are very delicate. You only need to take some amount of your oil and gently massage on your scalp. If you think you are getting hair-fall because of your oil measurement, so you can just reduce the amount of oil and just massage gently. You need to massage your scalp daily to remove dead follicles.
2. Combing
This is the worst mistake you can do. When you massage your scalp, the scalp gets relaxed for some time. Oil your scalp and just leave it 2 to 3 hours. If you comb your hair they are the weakest at that time because of oil. When you comb them, they get stretched from their roots. These lead to hair breakage and hair loss, so please avoid it.

3. Roots
When you oil your scalp make sure it reaches your roots. It will make your hair roots to become healthy. Hairs are just like the plant is you don't provide them enough water they will dry and break off. So here the plant is the hair and you need to provide the oil to take nourishment from oil. If you are just applying oil on the upper part of the hair it won't help you. You can use oils like coconut oil and olive oil.
4. Time duration
After applying oil they should be left as they are for 7 to 8 hours. By the time it will get nourished properly. Keeping it for more than 7 to 8 hours will make your face oily too and, get you pimples. So be careful you don't leave it for more than 8 hours. Doing it overnight will help a lot because it will make your whole body relax and the next morning wash it off with a mild shampoo.
5. Temperature
When you use oil for massage try to use warm oil. When you take oil for a massage just warm it for 10 to 20 seconds it will help you a lot. It will make your scalp pores open and oil will penetrate in it. This will give you more benefits. Warm oil will make your scalp more relax and it will be more effective than the regular one. You should give it a try.